Supervision of the redevelopment measures at an important Nuremberg traffic junction

21. October 2021

Within the framework of the VAG project Glockenhof, which extends over the triangle Allersberger Straße/ Scheurlstraße – Allersberger Tunnel/ Bahnhofstraße – Marientunnel, PB CONSULT was commissioned with the site management, the site supervision track construction and coordination of several trades. The completion of the first of the three phases of the overall project is now imminent. The Allersberg tunnel, also known as the “gateway to the southern city”, opens its gates for motorised individual traffic and the tram. This means that the section of Allersberger Straße from Scheurlstraße to Bahnhofstraße is back in operation after a long closure. The work on this section included the renewal of the track infrastructure including the Widhalmstraße stop, a partial renovation of the road body, sewer construction, water and power supply work, as well as the renewal of the traffic lights. The bottleneck of the Allersberger Tunnel/ Bahnhofstraße represented the greatest challenge of this first phase.

The trades of track construction, underground cable construction, road construction and catenary construction worked under running traffic, cramped conditions, several provisional construction site passes for pedestrians and cyclists as well as parallel work to the neighbouring project of the Tafelhofpalais. All work was also accompanied by specialist firms for explosive ordnance detection and archaeology, as Nuremberg has a number of legacies to offer here. The end of phase 1 heralds the beginning of phase 2: The rehabilitation of the Marientunnel will be on the agenda from next week.