Mobility Survey

Surveys of the mobility behaviour of the population are the basis for traffic planning efforts and fact-based decisions in traffic policy. We support them with the selection of the sampled, the survey method and the options for weighting the information gathered. Surveys of the mobility behaviour provide important information to enable understanding mobility behaviour, develop traffic planning measures, fact-based decisions for traffic-related policies and to evaluate the effectiveness of mobility concepts. Within the scope of surveys of this kind, generally questions are asked relating to distances traveled, means of transport used, trip times, reasons for travel and sociodemographic specifics on the respondents. The survey can be conducted in the formats of in-person interviews, online suveys, written questionnaires or analyses of traffic or mobile network data. The data is used to identify traffic patterns, estimate traffic demands, detect bottlenecks and develop targeted measures to improve the transport offerings and infrastructure. Additionally, the data is used to support the evaluation of mobility concepts and traffic measures regarding their effectiveness and impact on the mobility behaviour of the population.


  • Definition of the sample and realisation of the household survey (online, written-postal, telephone)

  • Telephone support for the survey (announcement of the survey, motivation to participate, free service hotline, follow-up questioning in the event of ambiguities)

  • Implementation of the event-orientated and feature-based surveys

  • Survey of mobility behaviour

  • Survey of satisfaction with public transport

  • Identification of potential and support in defining suitable measures



Stadt Köln

SSB Stuttgart

SSB Stuttgart


VAG Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft


Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg

Infra Fürth

infra Fürth

Markt Holzkirchen

Markt Holzkirchen

Stadt Rosenheim

Stadt Rosenheim


VGF Frankfurt


Gemeinde Neuendettelsau


Stadt Röthenbach a.d. Pegnitz


Stadt Treuchtlingen


Gemeinde Bad Wiessee


Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd