Integrated urban development concepts

An integrated urban development concept (IUDC) takes a comprehensive approach to shaping the future development of a city. Based on analyses of the current situation, clear development goals and visions for urban development are defined. A detailed plan is drawn up describing the steps to be taken to achieve the objectives. Individual measures are implemented and progress is monitored. The process is iterative and aims to achieve sustainable and holistic urban development.


  • Basic assessment and status quo analysis with regard to all modes of transport

  • Evaluation and analysis of strengths and weaknesses in development areas (SWOT analysis)

  • Definition of development goals and fields of action

  • Drawing up a catalogue of measures including prioritisation

  • Profitable participation of the city council and the public

  • Interdisciplinary cooperation and concept development with project partners



Markt Eckental

Markt Neunkirchen_am_Brand

Markt Neunkirchen am Brand


Stadt Oberasbach