EMMA survey and interview app

01. December 2020

The collection and research of traffic data is a basic prerequisite for the successful development of transport services and their implementation in planning. Both areas have always been among our company's core competences. In order to be able to immediately utilise the data digitally, we at PB CONSULT have been using our own app since 2020. This means that the data and analyses from our analysts can be made available to customers quickly and in high quality.

With the EMMA app, we can, for example, carry out passenger counts in public transport and regional rail transport, create comprehensive quality assessments of means of transport and transport facilities including photo documentation, map the so-called customer journey of passengers with time-of-day recording of the means of transport used, exact location of boarding and alighting, ticket used and socio-demographic data of passengers. Last but not least, digitalisation makes it possible to quickly and easily adapt the questionnaires to the respective customer requirements.

With this innovation, PB CONSULT offers its customers from the public transport sector a modern tool with which the range of services can be constantly adapted and improved.

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