Environmentally friendly parcel logistics – Pilot trial of the micro-hub concept in Marburg

08. November 2022

With the aim of relieving traffic congestion in the city center and reducing local emissions, the city of Marburg is investigating an alternative logistics concept involving the introduction of a micro-hub and the use of cargo bikes. Micro hubs are decentralized transshipment warehouses where parcel shipments are transferred to small low-emission vehicles and then delivered to their destinations. Both cargo bikes and small electric vehicles are used for this purpose.

In Marburg, local retailers are showing great interest in organizing the delivery and collection of goods shipments in this way in the future. In order to present the new logistics concept to the first users as well as the general public, PB CONSULT and its consortium partner ULS (Urban Logistics Solutions) organized a test and information day in Marburg on October 20th 2022. Not only could cargo bikes be trialed and parcel locker systems tested, but the suitability of the cargo bikes in challenging topography could also be demonstrated. With the pilot application of the micro-hub concept in Marburg, we are supporting an important flagship project with a clear message for the redesign of parcel logistics in urban areas.
