Munich City Council adopts local transport plan developed by us – accessibility module

07. February 2022

In order to further improve the life and participation of people with disabilities, the barrier-free design of public transport has been an important topic for all public transport authorities for a long time. The city of Munich is also pursuing the goal of complete accessibility in public transport and commissioned PB CONSULT in the spring of 2021 to develop a concept for the design of accessibility as part of the update of the local transport plan for the accessibility module.

Based on an inventory of the accessibility of the city of Munich from 2018, we defined the objectives of a complete accessibility, carried out a comparison of the inventory with these, created a plan of measures with a more precise evaluation and prioritisation and, as a result, finally developed a concrete implementation roadmap for achieving the objectives with defined exceptions and a statement about a possible eligibility for funding.

On the basis of our implementation roadmap, the Munich City Council decided on 2 February 2022 to implement the measures successively according to our proposals.