Research project on the change in mobility behaviour

03. September 2024

This autumn 2024 will see the launch of a collaborative research project on the question of how transport companies, municipal administrations and mobility service providers can influence the mobility behaviour of the population through communication.

This research project is being initiated and managed by Lots* Gesellschaft für verändernde Kommunikation GmbH from Leipzig.

In the project phase up to spring 2025, the consortium of 20 partners has set itself the goal of organising several workshops together with four renowned scientists in which the fundamental awareness of the role of communication is to be conveyed intensively. With the help of a scientific inventory of approaches from environmental, behavioural and social psychology, as well as mobility research, the aim is to structure existing knowledge and research further approaches. In a more in-depth phase, these approaches are to be transferred to the mobility behaviour change and incorporated into a framework that all partners can use in the future to implement communication for a different mobility behaviour in a concrete and pragmatic way.

We are looking forward to the intensive collaboration with

  • Prof Dr Katharina Klug - Professor of Business Psychology, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences
  • Prof Dr Sebastian Bamberg - Environmental and Social Psychologist, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences
  • Prof Dr André Bruns - Professor of Mobility Management and Transport Planning, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
  • Dr Jutta Deffner - Head of Research Field Sustainable Society, Focus on Mobility, Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE)

and the following consortium partners:

Forschungsprojekt Mobilität02_LOTS

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