PB CONSULT supports planning for Bus Rapid Transit Line in Nairobi, Kenya

28. January 2021

With our partners Ramboll and Gauff Consultants Africa Limited, we are undertaking detailed design investigations for the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Line in Nairobi. With a population of over 4 million people and a predominantly informal mass transit system consisting of privately operated small and medium sized buses (so called Matatus), Nairobi experiences significant traffic congestion, with peak periods regularly extending over three hours. In this setting, the locally named ‘Chui Line’, with an estimated daily demand of up to 180,000 passengers, will be a game changer for the City.

We are investigating the changes to traffic movements as a result of this BRT Line as well as improving junction design from the concept design stage. Transport demands were analysed in Visum software from PB CONSULT’s previous Nairobi ITS project which incorporated the entire Nairobi metropolitan area. Junctions were modelled using Sidra software. A key consideration in junction design is providing the thousands of pedestrians with safe crossing facilities phases, whilst at the same time optimising movements for BRT vehicles.