Street space design Potsdam

12. July 2024

Together with Grow Landschaftsarchitektur, we were commissioned to create a streetscape design concept for areas of the 2nd Baroque city extension in Potsdam in a participatory process.

The needs of local residents, road safety, accessibility, design quality and ecological aspects are to be given particular consideration. The aim is to make Potsdam's city centre a lively, sustainable and attractive place for everyone.

To this end, the city council of the state capital of Potsdam adopted a concept for the redesign of the city centre in 2023, which aims to increase the quality of use in public spaces. The aim is to create more space for pedestrians, cyclists, green spaces and cultural activities by reducing motor vehicle traffic. In addition, heat protection and climate adaptation measures are to be included in the plans.

Based on these specifications, we will develop concrete proposals for the new design, design and accompany the participatory process, support the city in the decision-making process with the help of photorealistic visualisations and finally create concrete street plans.

As a result, a catalogue with partly standardised furnishings will also be drawn up, although special accents will also be set with unusual furnishing elements, taking into account the baroque listed street areas.



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