Commercial transport concept for the city of Fürth

10. November 2020

Economic and freight transport continues to show strong growth rates. Among other things, the heavily congested inner city areas are strongly affected by this traffic growth. In order to reduce both traffic congestion and local greenhouse gas emissions, alternative logistics concepts using environmentally friendly means of transport must be introduced as a matter of urgency.

PB CONSULT, together with the consortium partner Urban Logistics Solutions GbR and the support of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bogdanski, is therefore pleased to develop a sustainable and optimised concept for inner-city commercial traffic for the city of Fürth. The focus here is on ensuring supply and disposal by commercial traffic in the city area, increasing space efficiency, traffic flow and road safety.

Measures such as the establishment of micro-depots, the conversion of conventional delivery vehicles to electric operation or cargo bicycles and the introduction of delivery zones will be developed and the potential for traffic relief and the reduction of noise and greenhouse gas emissions will be demonstrated.