Mobility survey Stuttgart

Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB) operates urban public transport within the Stuttgart Transport and Tariff Association (VVS). On behalf of SSB, PB CONSULT has been continuously surveying the mobility behaviour of citizens since 2017. The aim of the continuous survey is to build up a database on mobility behaviour that can be used for subsequent surveys as well as linked to previous mobility data. To this end, households are contacted on a daily basis and asked about the mobility behaviour of all household members. The survey is carried out using the KONTIV design (written postal survey, telephone survey, online survey) with additional telephone support.

Comparable studies on the (everyday) mobility of citizens were already carried out in Stuttgart between 1990 and 2000. By retaining the survey design, the newly acquired survey data could be linked with the earlier mobility data and existing time series could be updated. This made it possible to track and visualise developments over time. In addition to comparisons over time, the survey method used also enables horizontal comparisons with other cities.

The survey on mobility behaviour initially serves as a basis and is then supplemented by further in-depth surveys. This is followed by surveys on customer satisfaction, general assessments & attitudes, possible potential for behavioural changes in the choice of means of transport or the corporate brand.

The Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB) brochure for 2020 provides an impression of the survey:


  • Definition of the sample and realisation of the household survey (online, written-postal, telephone)
  • Data collection and processing
  • Survey of mobility behaviour (from 0 years)
  • Conducting an event-orientated and a feature-based survey on customer satisfaction
  • Survey of satisfaction with public transport and general assessments and attitudes
  • Identification of potential and support in defining suitable measures
  • Carrying out a brand measurement / image analysis
  • Telephone support for the survey (free service hotline)
  • Updating of an intertemporal KONTIV mobility inventory


SSB Stuttgart

SSB Stuttgart