Mobility survey Cologne

In autumn 2022, the mobility behaviour of citizens was surveyed on behalf of the City of Cologne as part of a representative household survey. The aim of the survey was to provide a differentiated representation of current mobility behaviour as an important empirical basis for the city's transport planning measures. For this purpose, 57,000 randomly selected households were contacted and asked about the mobility behaviour of all household members.

Surveys on mobility behaviour had already been carried out in the city of Cologne in previous years. In order to ensure comparisons with the results of previous studies, in particular the last survey from 2017, PB CONSULT conducted the survey using a catalogue of questions adapted from the Mobility in Germany (MiD) survey. The survey also took into account the required "Standards for a standardised modal split survey in NRW municipalities".

The most recently collected data serves as an up-to-date and reliable basis for the creation of the city's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) - "Better through Cologne". The results of the survey were published by the City of Cologne as part of a mobility report.


  • Definition of the sample and realisation of the household survey (online, written-postal, telephone)
  • Data collection and processing
  • Survey of mobility behaviour (from the age of 0)
  • Telephone support for the survey (free service hotline)
  • Comparability with the 2017 MiD study
  • Comprehensive (accessible) final report



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