Serengeti Southern Bypass

The Serengeti with an area of 30,000 sq. km. hosts the largest terrestrial mammal migration in the world. It is located in the northeast of Tanzania, next to Lake Victoria. It also contains the Serengeti National Park which became UNESCO world natural heritage site in 1981.

In order to protect this area and its wildlife a southern bypass is being developed. Additionally, the bypass helps connecting Tanzanian regions along the route. In association with JBG Gauff Ingenieure and GOPA Consultants, PB Consult was commissioned to plan a southern bypass to the Serengeti National Park, thus providing a paved road connection from the city of Arusha to Musoma.

Using macroscopic, region wide transport modelling PB Consult develops an appropriate route selection. A recently conducted traffic survey as well as socioeconomic aspects forms the basis for the route selection.


  • Analysis and assessment of existing infrastructure
  • Carrying out traffic surveys
  • Evaluating traffic data
  • Review of previous studies and surveys
  • Nationwide traffic simulation of different scenarios using VISUM and subsequent comparison to existing traffic conditions


Tanzania National Roads Agency

Tanzania National Roads Agency