Pedestrian Concepts

Concepts for pedestrians are a planning instrument focused on improving the situation of pedestrians in urban and rural environments. They are tailored to the needs and requirements of pedestrians as a substantial part in traffic and focus on the creation of pedestrian-friendly areas. This includes the creation and enlargement of pavements, pedestrian crossings, measures for traffic safety and accessibility, planning and implementation of pavement renewal, creation of pedestrian areas, installation of safe crossings and improvement of traffic signs for pedestrians.


  • Basic assessment and status quo analysis of the pedestrian infrastructure through inspections

  • Definition of priority areas and main routes

  • Target/actual comparison according to the latest guidelines and laws

  • Recognising the need for action and developing coordinated measures

  • Supporting public relations work and organising participation



Addis Ababa City Roads Authority


Gemeinde Neuendettelsau


Stadt Pocking