


Thomas Kahn



Georg Kern



Dieter Roth



Florian Bauer



Jonathan Abebe

Jonathan Abebe

Student Trainee Infrastructure

Klara-Sophie Andres

Klara-Sophie Andres

Mobility Planning - Mobility & Change

Alexandra Barfrieder

Alexandra Barfrieder


Khongorzul Batmunkh

Khongorzul Batmunkh

Smart Mobility - Surveys

Christian Bauch

Christian Bauch


Jaqueline Baydogan

Jaqueline Baydogan

Student Trainee Surveys

Jochen Belz

Jochen Belz

Mobility Planning - Traffic

Jacqueline Besold

Jacqueline Besold

Management Assistance

Laura Birner

Laura Birner


Stefan Bluwas

Stefan Bluwas

Mobility Planning - Traffic

Matthias Bretschneider

Matthias Bretschneider


Lucia Brüggemann

Lucia Brüggemann

Smart Mobility - Mobility Research

Asan Chavdarliev

Asan Chavdarliev

Full-stack development & IT infrastructure

Christiane Csengery

Christiane Csengery

Smart Mobility - Mobility Research

Kevin Dilcher

Kevin Dilcher


Nina Eylert

Nina Eylert

Mobility Planning - Transport

Anja von Falkenhausen

Anja von Falkenhausen


Patrick Gajowski

Patrick Gajowski

Mobility Planning - Team Leader Traffic

Florian Gleixner

Florian Gleixner

Infrastructure - Coordination

Nils Maximus Göne-Weidinger

Nils Maximus Göne-Weidinger

Infrastructure - Coordination

Maura Görisch

Maura Görisch

Mobility Planning - Mobility & Change

Roman Grinspun

Roman Grinspun


Franziska Groß

Franziska Groß

Mobility Planning - Team Leader Mobility & Change

Jan Guss

Jan Guss

Student Trainee Infrastructure

Alisa Guthseel

Alisa Guthseel


Imke Harders

Imke Harders

Student Trainee Infrastructure

Gary Harris

Gary Harris

Mobility Planning - Traffic & International Projects

Michael Hauck

Michael Hauck

Business Development

Luka Henkelmann

Luka Henkelmann

IT Administrator

Benjamin Höfig

Benjamin Höfig

Art Director

Nils Jugel

Nils Jugel

Student Trainee IT

Stefan Kaube

Stefan Kaube

Mobility Planning - Team Leader Transport

Knud Kehnscherper

Knud Kehnscherper

Smart Mobility - Head of Mobility Research

Annette Kirschmann

Annette Kirschmann

Smart Mobility

Johannes Klaus

Johannes Klaus

Junior Software Developer & IT Administrator

Maximilian Klein

Maximilian Klein

Student Trainee Mobility Planning

Julian Klose

Julian Klose


Christian Köhler

Christian Köhler

Infrastructure - Branch Office Berlin

Stefan Kokott

Stefan Kokott

Infrastructure - Team Leader Operation

Michaela Kraus

Michaela Kraus

Head of Human Resources

Monika Kumschier

Monika Kumschier

Office Management

Torsten Kurz

Torsten Kurz


Jens Lauterbach

Jens Lauterbach

Head of Mobility Planning

Jennifer Lebski

Jennifer Lebski

Human Resources

Ying-Wei Lee

Ying-Wei Lee

Mobility Planning - Traffic

Marie Lotte Liebel

Marie Lotte Liebel

Student Trainee Mobility Planning

Vanessa Löser-Schott

Vanessa Löser-Schott

Smart Mobility - Mobility Research

Marcel Maul

Marcel Maul

Smart Mobility - Surveys

Harald Meyer

Harald Meyer

Smart Mobility - Surveys

Nadja Meyer

Nadja Meyer

Smart Mobility - Dialogue Marketing

Marco Mjaku

Marco Mjaku

Student Trainee Infrastructure

Frank Müller

Frank Müller

Smart Mobility - Mobility Research

Elijah Naylor

Elijah Naylor

Student Trainee Infrastructure

Thomas Pawlas

Thomas Pawlas

Smart Mobility - Surveys

Oliver Petzoldt

Oliver Petzoldt

Smart Mobility - Head of Dialogue Marketing
Branch Office Regensburg

Veronika Pidgeon

Veronika Pidgeon

Infrastructure - Team Leader Planning

Valeria Ponschab

Valeria Ponschab

Smart Mobility - Surveys & Quality Measurement
Project Office Munich

Svenja Raab

Svenja Raab

Smart Mobility - Dialogue Marketing

Anna Roth

Anna Roth

Smart Mobility - Surveys & Quality Measurement

Franziska Rübisch

Franziska Rübisch

Smart Mobility - Mobility Research

Adrian Ruiz-Gonzalez

Adrian Ruiz-Gonzalez


Tammo Schade

Tammo Schade

Mobility Planning - Mobility & Change

Julius Schade

Julius Schade

Student Trainee Infrastructure

Veronika Schegg

Veronika Schegg

Smart Mobility - Surveys
Project Office Munich

Inka Schmicker

Inka Schmicker

Smart Mobility - Transport Planning

Gabriel Schmitt

Gabriel Schmitt

Smart Mobility - Dialogue Marketing

Carina Schreiner

Carina Schreiner

Student Trainee Infrastructure

Birgit Schuberth

Birgit Schuberth

Smart Mobility - Dialogue Marketing

Laura Sedlak

Laura Sedlak

Infrastructure - Operation

Mohamad Shahwan

Mohamad Shahwan

Apprentice Infrastructure

Michalina Sliwka

Michalina Sliwka


Henning Sonntag

Henning Sonntag

Student Trainee Infrastructure

Sophia Sperber

Sophia Sperber

Smart Mobility - Mobility Research

Marius Sperger

Marius Sperger

Infrastructure - Planning

Marius Steger

Marius Steger

Infrastructure - Team Leader Planning

Nina Stöber

Nina Stöber


Lorenz Suda

Lorenz Suda

Smart Mobility - Dialogue Marketing
Branch Office Regensburg

Robin Sumper

Robin Sumper

Apprentice Infrastructure

Diana Tolliver

Diana Tolliver

Smart Mobility - Mobility Research

Alexandros Vavvas

Alexandros Vavvas

Infrastructure - Head of Construction Management

Ulrike Wilging

Ulrike Wilging

Smart Mobility - Quality Measurement

Jasmin Zaplinski

Jasmin Zaplinski

Mobilitätsplanung - Mobility & Change